Lower Body
1-Arm Dumbbell Swings
- Using a squat stance, straddle a dumbbell. Squat down and grip the dumbbell with one hand with your palm facing behind you as shown in the video.
- Using your lower body, power the weight up above your head. Keep your arm locked and work to get full extension in your knees and hips.
- Squat the DB back down to the floor and repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Switch arms and do the same number of repetitions.
- 1-Arm DB Swings Video
- 1-Arm DB Swings Side View Video
1-Legged Squats
- Start this exercise by standing on top of a bench or plyo box.
- Stand on one foot and perform a squat on one leg. Draw your belly button inward and hold it there for the entire exercise. Keep your core tight. This will help you maintain your balance.
- Remember to bring your hips back first before dropping your butt.
- Make sure that your knee does not get out in front of your toes at any point in time during this exercise.
- Try to complete a full squat. If you cannot go down all the way, go down as far as you can. This exercise requires great hip flexibility and it will get easier with time.
- Complete the prescribed number of reps on one leg, then switch and do the same number of reps on the opposite leg.
- To start, have a partner stand next to you. Put your hand on their shoulder for added stability as shown in the Assisted One Legged Squat video clip.
- As this exercise becomes easier you can perform it without the help of a partner as shown in the Unassisted One Legged Squat video clip.
- To make this exercise even more difficult, use dumbbells to add resistance.
- One Legged Squats (Assisted) Video
- One Legged Squats (Unassisted) Video
Barbell Deadlift
- Start with your feet about shoulder width apart.
- Grip the bar with your hands just outside of your shins.
- Squat down, keep your shoulders back and your back locked.
- Keep the bar tight to your body the entire time.
- The bar should never leave your shins or thighs throughout the exercise.
- Lift the bar with your lower body. Keep your back locked and your shoulders back.
- Extend your hips at the top of the lift.
- Lower the bar in the same manner you came up.
- Repeat this pattern for the prescribed number of repetitions.
- BB Deadlift Video
Box Squat Jumps
- Use a 12 to 16 inch box for this exercise. If you do not have access to one, a bench or chair will do.
- Squat down using proper squat form until you touch the box.
- Without resting on the box, explode upward, jumping as high as possible into the air.
- This exercise can be done with bodyweight, a loaded barbell (use caution here) and dumbbells.
- Box Squat Jumps Video
Bulgarian Split Squats
- While holding two dumbbells, stand in front of a bench and put one foot on top of the bench and the other out in front of you as shown in the video clip.
- Position your forward foot so that when you perform a split squat, you can do so without letting your knee come out in front of your toes.
- Perform split squats as shown in the video for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Switch feet and repeat in the same manner.
- Bulgarian Split Squats Video
Clean Grip Front Squat
- Grip the bar with an underhand grip, slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Ideally, you should be using your power clean grip.
- Step under the bar with elbows out in front and wrists slightly hyperextended. Just like the finish position for the power clean.
- Lift the bar out of the rack and step back.
- Assume a stance that is slightly wider than shoulder width.
- Squat the weight down to full squat depth.
- Explosively squat back up to a fully erect position.
- Clean Grip Front Squat Video
Dumbbell Alternating Side Step-Ups
- Start on either side of a bench or plyo box with one foot on top of the bench.
- Using the leg that is on the bench, lift your body up to bench level. Balance yourself at the top. Do not let your off leg touch the bench.
- A common mistake here is to push off the foot that is on the ground to assist in stepping up. All the work should be done by the leg that is on the bench.
- Slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position.
- Switch feet and perform a step up in the same manner with the opposite leg.
- Continue this pattern for the prescribed number of reps.
- DB Alternating Side Step-Ups Video
Dumbbell Alternating Step-Ups
- Start with one foot on top of a bench or plyo box as shown in the video clip.
- Using the leg that is on the bench, lift your body up to bench level.
- A common mistake is to push off of the leg that is on the ground to assist in stepping up to bench level.
- Balance yourself at the top. Do not bring the off leg on top of the bench at any point in time.
- After holding it briefly at the top, slowly lower yourself back down to the starting position. Avoid simply falling back down to the floor.
- Switch legs and perform a step up in the same manner with the opposite leg.
- Continue with this pattern for the prescribed number of reps.
- DB Alternating Step-Ups Video
Dumbbell Romanian Dead Lift on 1 Leg
- With a DB in each hand, perform an Romanian Dead Lift on one leg.
- With a slightly bent knee, slowly bend at waist, lowering the weight.
- Go down as far as possible without rounding the lower back.
- Be sure to keep your weight back on your heel. You should be able to wiggle your toes throughout the duration of this exercise.
- DB RDL on 1 Leg Video (Front View)
- DB RDL on 1 Leg Video (Side View)
Dumbbell Side Lunges
- With two dumbbells in your hands step laterally to one side as shown in the video clip.
- As you step laterally, drop your hips and squat down.
- Make sure your knee does not go out in front of your toes.
- Keep your back locked – do not round your back.
- Bring the dumbbells down to the floor as you squat down. One should touch outside your foot and the other on the inside.
- After you have come all the way down, power back up to the starting position by explosively pushing off of your foot.
- Your momentum should carry you into the next rep with the opposite leg as shown in the video clip.
- Perform a side lunge in the same manner with the opposite leg.
- Continue this pattern for the prescribed number of reps.
- DB Side Lunges Video
DB Squat Push Press
Dumbbell Twisting 1-Legged Deadlifts
- Hold a DB in one hand and stand on the opposite foot as shown in the video.
- Perform a deadlift with a slight knee bend. As you reach the bottom, touch the floor with the DB outside of your foot as shown in the video.
- When you come up, make sure you stand tall, getting full extension in your hips.
- In order to keep your balance during this lift, you must keep your core tight the entire time.
- Do not let your off foot touch the ground at any point in time.
- Perform the indicated number of repetitions on one leg then switch legs/hands and repeat.
- DB Twisting 1-Legged Deadlifts Video
Drop Squat
- This exercise is used as a warm up for the squat and to improve our overhead squat and snatch technique.
- Use only the bar for this exercise.
- Grip the bar and position yourself as if you were performing a back squat.
- Step out of the rack and assume your squat stance.
- Drop down to a full squat position while pressing the bar above your head.
- Your feet should leave the ground slightly when this is done correctly.
- Finish in the overhead squat position.
- Squat the bar back up to the starting position.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Drop Squat Video
Explosive 3-Way Calf Raises
- You will complete the prescribed number of reps with your feet pointing straight ahead, inward and outward.
- For each position, start each rep by performing a calf raise. Make sure you squeeze the calf muscles at the top. Then lower your heels to the half-way point and explode up, trying to get the heels a little higher. Hold at the top for about 1 second.
- Repeat this pattern for the prescribed number of reps for each foot position.
- Do not let your heels touch the ground at any point during the exercise.
- Explosive 3-Way Calf Raises Video
Explosive Split Squat Jumps
- This exercise is done only using your body weight.
- Start in a split squat position.
- Jump straight up explosively.
- While in the air, alternate your legs and land in split squat position with the opposite leg forward.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Explosive Split Squat Jumps Video
Goblet Side Lunge
- Use one dumbbell for this exercise.
- Start by holding one end of the dumbbell by resting it in the heels of both hands (as shown in video).
- Hold the dumbbell at chin level throughout the exercise.
- Perform a side lunge to one side and explosively return to the starting position.
- Repeat in the opposite direction.
- Goblet Side Lunge Video
Knee Tuck Jumps
- Perform this plyometric exercise by starting in an athletic position.
- Jump as high as you can.
- While ascending, drive your knees to your chest.
- Hug your knees to your chest with your arms at the apex of your jump.
- Let go and land in an athletic position.
- Spend as little time on the ground as possible. Immediately perform the next repetition.
- Knee Tuck Jumps Video
Leg Curl
- There are many different types of leg curl machines. You can use seated, prone or standing leg curl machines when doing this exercise. All of them will work the hamstrings in the same manner. The machine shown in the video clip is an example of a seated leg curl machine.
- Using a controlled movement, curl the weight up or back to your butt. Do not jerk the weight up. Doing so will increase the risk of injury.
- Hold it for a moment then slowly lower the weight back to the starting position.
- Continue this pattern for the indicate number of repetitions.
- Leg Curl Video
Leg Extension
- There are many different leg extension machines. The video clip shows an example of one. It doesn’t matter what type of machine you are using, as long as you are performing the same movement.
- Make sure you have the machine set so that you can perform the movement correctly.
- Simply extend the legs and hold for a moment at the top.
- Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position.
- Continue this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Leg Extension Video
Medicine Ball 1-Legged Deadlifts w/ Reach
- Start with the medicine ball on the floor. While holding it with both hands and keeping your arms extended, perform a deadlift on one leg.
- Maintain a slight knee bend in the leg you are working.
- Keep your back locked during this exercise.
- As you extend your arms, extend your off leg behind you as shown in the video.
- Come back down to the starting position and repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Switch legs and perform the indicated number of reps.
- Med Ball 1-Legged Deadlifts w/ Reach Video
Med Ball 1-Legged Snatches
- Using a medicine ball, perform snatches on one leg as shown in the video. Obviously the exercise becomes more difficult as you increase the weight of the ball.
- Start from the floor and raise the ball above your head, working to get triple extension at the top of the lift (full extension in your ankles, knees and hips).
- Maintain a slight knee bend in the leg you’re standing on.
- Keep your arms straight throughout the exercise.
- Make sure you keep your core tight to maintain your balance.
- Your off foot should never touch the ground while doing this exercise.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Complete the indicated number of reps on one leg then switch and repeat in the same manner.
- Med Ball 1-Legged Snatches Video
Overhead Lunges
- You will need a 45lb plate to perform this exercise. If 45 pounds is too much, then use less weight. Do not exceed 45 pounds.
- Start by pressing the weight over your head and holding it there as shown in the video clip.
- With your arms fully extended and the weight over your head, perform a forward lunge.
- Make sure you do not let your knee come out in front of your toes.
- It is important to keep your core tight throughout the exercise in order to maintain your balance.
- Alternate legs.
- Continue this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Overhead Lunges Video
Overhead Squats
- Get the proper grip on the bar. Your hands should be at least 3 feet apart. Get underneath the bar as if you were getting ready to squat and step the weight back out of the rack.
- Get into your squat stance.
- Press the weight over your head. Keep your elbows locked out and arms fully extended.
- Perform a full squat with the weight above your head. Make sure to keep the bar directly over your ears. Do not let the weight get too far forward or backward.
- Remember these coaching points when squatting:
- Hips back first, butt down second.
- During your descent, push your knees out over your ankles.
- Make sure your depth is good.
- Control the weight down and power it up.
- Keep the back locked the entire time, do not round your back.
- After completing the set, bring the bar down behind your head and set it on your shoulders. Walk the weight back into the rack.
- Always use a back spotter when performing this lift.
- Overhead Squats Video
RDLs (Romanian Deadlifts)
- Grip the bar properly. Your hands should be just outside of your shins.
- Deadlift the weight up to the starting position. The bar should be resting on your thighs as shown in the video clip.
- Using a slight knee bend, slowly lower the weight down to the floor. Keep your back locked the entire time. The bar should scrape your thighs and shins – never leaving your body.
- Your weight should be back on your heels. Lift your toes slightly up off the ground as shown in the video.
- Go down as far as you can without rounding your back. If you can’t make it all the way to the floor that is okay. The important thing is to keep your back locked.
- You should feel a stretch in your hamstrings if you are doing this exercise correctly.
- After going down as far as you can without rounding your back, come back up to the starting position. Again, the bar should scrape your shins and thighs.
- Repeat this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- When you are finished with your set, be sure to squat the weight back down to avoid back injuries.
- RDL Video
Regular Calf Raises
- Using a power rack and a barbell, perform calf raises as shown in the video.
- To increase range of motion and difficulty, use a box to stand on so you can increase your range of motion.
- Regular Calf Raises Video
Trap Clean
- The exercise is used as a warm up for the squat. It is also used to address the proper technique needed for the power clean and hip flexibility.
- Perform the exercise from the hang position.
- Perform a hang clean using the proper form (please refer to hang clean for proper form)
- Emphasis is placed on the finish position. Finish in a full front squat position with thighs below parallel.
- If you catch the bar above this point, lower yourself down to the full squat position.
- Squat the bar back up to a fully erect position.
- Lower the weight back to your thighs and repeat.
- Trap Clean Video
Trap Snatch
- The exercise is used as a warm up for the squat. It is also used to address the proper technique needed for the snatch and hip flexibility.
- Perform the exercise from the hang position.
- Perform a snatch using the proper form (please refer to hang snatch for proper form)
- Emphasis is placed on the finish position. Finish in a full squat position with thighs below parallel.
- If you catch the bar above this point, lower yourself down to the full squat position.
- Squat the bar back up to a fully erect position.
- Trap Snatch Video
Twisting Plate Lunge
- Perform a lunge while holding a 25lb or 45lb plate with both hands.
- At the bottom of each lunge, twist your torso to the left and to the right.
- Power yourself back up to the starting position and repeat on opposite leg.
- Perform the indicated number of repetitions on each leg.
- Twisting Plate Lunge Video
Seated Good Mornings
- Using a bar only, grip the bar as if you were going to perform a squat.
- Sit on a bench as shown in the video clip.
- Straighten your legs and spread them out as shown. Be sure to dig your heels into the ground.
- Leading with your stomach, lean forward. Go down as far as you can go without rounding your back.
- It is important to keep the elbows forward and the back locked during this exercise.
- The objective is to try and touch your stomach on the bench without rounding your back.
- If done correctly, you should feel a stretch in your hamstrings.
- The purpose of this exercise is to stretch out the hamstrings, so there is no need to use any weight on the bar.
- Seated Good Mornings Video
- Seated Good Mornings Video (Side View)
Standing Good Mornings into Full Squats
- Do not perform this exercise with more than 135lbs. Start with a bar and work your way up.
- Get your squat grip and press the bar down against your traps before taking the weight out of the rack.
- Step back and get into your squat stance. It may be a little more comfortable to widen your stance a bit for this exercise.
- With a slight knee bend, perform a standing good morning as shown in the video
- Go down as far as you can go without rounding your back.
- Keep the knees slightly bent and the elbows forward.
- Notice by doing this movement you are moving your hips backward!
- Once you have gone down as far as you can go without rounding your back, go into a squat by dropping your butt and pushing your knees out over your ankles during the descent.
- Perform a full squat, then power the weight up.
- Be sure to drive the elbows forward during the ascent.
- Repeat this pattern for the prescribed number of repetitions.
- After completing your set, walk the weight back into the rack.
- Always perform this exercise with a back spotter.
- Standing Good Mornings into Full Squats Video
Supine Leg Curl
Walking Lunge Press
- Use two lighter dumbbells for this exercise.
- Start with the dumbbells resting on your shoulders as shown in the video clip.
- Perform a forward lunge. At the bottom of the lunge, perform a military press using a neutral grip (palms facing inward).
- While keeping your arms locked out, stand up. Once you are standing fully erect, bring the dumbbells back down to your shoulders as shown in the video.
- It is very important that you keep your core tight throughout this exercise to help maintain your balance.
- Repeat this pattern for the opposite leg. Continue in this manner until you have completed the indicated number of repetitions.
- Walking Lunge Press Video
Zombie Squat
- Hold the bar as if you were performing a front squat.
- Step out of the rack and remove your hands from the bar. Extend your arms in front of your body in a sleep walking position.
- Squat to a parallel position while keeping heels flat and back arched.
- Explosively return to an erect standing position.
- Zombie Squat Video
1-Arm Dumbbell Kickbacks
- Place one hand and one knee on the bench as shown in the video.
- With a dumbbell in the opposite hand, full extend the arm behind you as shown in the video.
- Be sure to rotate at the elbow and not the shoulder.
- Complete the required number of reps then repeat with the opposite arm.
- 1-Arm DB Kickbacks Video
1-Arm Triceps Cable Extension
1-Arm Triceps Cable Extension Video
1-Arm Dumbbell Bent Over Row
1-Arm Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
- Gripping a dumbbell with one hand, place it behind your head as shown in the video.
- Start with your elbow bent at 90 degrees.
- Rotating only from the elbow, extend your arm, squeezing your triceps at the top.
- Use your off hand to support your elbow joint as shown in the video.
- Slowly come back down to the starting position and repeat.
- Complete the indicated number of repetitions then switch arms.
- 1-Arm DB Overhead Triceps Extension Video (Left Arm)
- 1-Arm DB Overhead Triceps Extension Video (Right Arm)
1-Arm Rotational Side Raise
1 Arm Rotational Side Raise Video
Ball Drop Punch
- Similar to the seated medicine ball punch pass, but the person doing the exercise is laying flat on the floor.
- Your partner will drop the medicine ball to you from a slightly elevated position (ie: standing on a bench).
- Strike the medicine ball and throw it back up to your partner who catches it and drops it again.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Ball Drop Punch Video
Bar Hang
- Grip a pull-up bar with both hands using a normal pull-up grip width as shown in the video.
- Simply hang from the bar with out touching your feet on the ground for the indicated amount of time.
- To increase the difficulty, raise your knees as shown in the advanced version of bar hang.
- This exercise not only stretches the back and spine, but it will also improve grip strength.
- Bar Hang Video
- Advanced Bar Hang Video
Barbell Bent Over Row
- Use a bench grip for this exercise.
- Once you have the desired amount of weight on the bar, perform a bent over row as shown in the video clip.
- Ideally, you should get the bar all the way up to your chest.
- Make sure you keep your knees slightly bent and your backed locked for the entire exercise.
- Barbell Bent Over Row Video
Barbell Curls
- Perform a curl using a barbell with the desired amount of weight.
- Use a comfortable grip.
- Use your arms to curl the weight, do not lean back to get the weight up.
- Barbell Curls Video
Barbell Pullovers
- Use a barbell or a curl bar for this exercise.
- Lower the bar back down behind your head as shown.
- Make sure to keep your arms at 90 degrees.
- Use your lats to lift the bar back up to the starting position.
- Do not rotate at the elbow – this is not a triceps exercise.
- Repeat in this manner for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Barbell Pullovers Video
Barbell Push Jerks
- Perform this exercise in a power rack as shown in the video clip.
- Grip the bar at shoulder width or slightly wider.
- With the bar in front, step back, lifting the weight out of the rack.
- Start the exercise by slightly bending the knees and hips.
- Use your lower body to get the weight moving.
- Once the bar has reached shoulder level, press the weight up over your head.
- As you are pressing up, you should be bending at the ankles, knees and hips in an effort to change your level and lower yourself under the bar.
- You should finish in a split stance as shown in the video
- Once the bar is controlled overhead, bring your feet together in a balanced stance and carefully lower the weight to the starting position.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions, being sure to alternate the leading leg with ever rep.
Bent Over “O” Row
- Use two 25lb plates for this exercise.
- This exercise works better if you are using two solid 25lb plates. If you have access to this type of plate, arrange the plates so that the smooth side is facing out. A different type of plate is shown in the video.
- Place your hands in the middle of the plates and squeeze them together as shown in the video.
- While squeezing them together, perform a bent over row. Row the plates up to your chest and lower them back down to the starting position without letting them touch the ground.
- It is important to keep your knees bent and your back locked during this exercise.
- This exercise not only works your back but it targets your grip strength as well.
- Bent Over “O” Row Video
- Bent Over “O” Row (Side View) Video
Cable Lawnmower Pulls
- Using a cable machine, perform one arm rows as shown in the video clips.
- As the name suggests, the motion used here is the same as starting a lawnmower.
- Bend your knees and hips.
- Keep your back locked.
- Make sure you use a full range of motion with each repetition. Start low and finish high.
- Cable Lawnmower Pulls (Lt Arm) Video
- Cable Lawnmower Pulls (Rt Arm) Video
Cable/Plate Overhead Triceps Extension
- This exercise can be done using a cable machine and a rope or with a plate as shown in the video clip.
- Use slow and controlled movements and work the full range of motion.
- Plate Overhead Triceps Extension Video
Clap Push Ups
- Assume a push up position.
- Your hands should be a little wider than shoulder width apart.
- Lower yourself until your upper arms are parallel with the ground.
- Explosively push yourself up lifting your torso in the air.
- While in the air, clap your hands then land in the starting position.
- Clap Push Ups Video
Close Grip (CG) Bench Press
- Your grip should be closer than a normal bench press grip, however, do not get too close.
- It is very important that you employ a grip that still allows you to keep your wrists aligned with your elbows. This takes undue stress off of the wrists.
- In order to achieve this successfully, you must keep your elbows in during this exercise. You should scrape your ribcage with your elbows.
- If you are scraping your ribcage and your wrists are still inside of your elbows, then your grip is too narrow. Widen your grip accordingly if this is the case.
- Make sure that the bar is over your wrists, not rolled back behind them.
- In order to keep your elbows in throughout the movement, you must bring the bar down a little lower on your chest than a normal bench press as shown in the video.
- Try not to let your elbows flare out when pressing the weight up.
- Close Grip Bench Press Video
- Close Grip Bench Press (Side View) Video
Close Grip Chin-Ups
- Perform a chin up using a close grip as shown in the video clip.
- Use a full range of motion. Fully extend your arms at the bottom without touching your feet on the ground and pull yourself up so that your chin is over the bar.
- Have a partner help you if you cannot complete all of the reps on your own.
- Close Grip Chin Up Video
Close Grip Incline Bench Press
- Your grip should be closer than a normal incline bench press grip, however, do not get too close.
- It is very important that you employ a grip that still allows you to keep your wrists aligned with your elbows. This takes undue stress off of the wrists.
- In order to achieve this successfully, you must keep your elbows in during this exercise. You should scrape your ribcage with your elbows.
- If you are scraping your ribcage and your wrists are still inside of your elbows, then your grip is too narrow. Widen your grip accordingly if this is the case.
- Make sure that the bar is over your wrists, not rolled back behind them.
- In order to keep your elbows in throughout the movement, you must bring the bar down a little lower on your chest than a normal incline bench press as shown in the video. If you bring the bar down the normal incline bench press spot on your chest while employing a close grip, it is impossible to keep your elbows in. They automatically flare out.
- Because we need to keep our elbows aligned with our wrists, you must bring the bar down to mid-stomach level in order to achieve this.
- Try not to let your elbows flare out when pressing the weight up.
- The bar should travel in an arced path when performing this exercise correctly.
- Close Grip Incline Bench Press Video
- Close Grip Incline Bench Press (Side View) Video
Close Grip Lat Pull Down
Close Grip Pull-Ups
- Perform a pull up using a close grip as shown in the video clip.
- Use a full range of motion for this exercise.
- Fully extend your arms at the bottom without letting your feet touch the ground
- Pull yourself up so that your chin is over the bar.
- Have a partner help you if you cannot complete all of the reps on your own.
- Close Grip Pull Up Video
Circular Lateral Raise
- You can use dumbbells or plates for this exercise.
- Start with the weight in front. Your palms should be facing each other.
- Raise the laterally in a circular motion while keeping your arms straight.
- Complete the circle by touching the weights above your head with your palms facing each other. You will need to rotate your arms slightly to do this.
- Retrace the motion back to the starting position and repeat.
- Circular Lateral Raise Video
Commando Pull Ups
- Grab pull-up bar so that your shoulders are perpendicular to the bar as shown in the video clip
- Grip the bar so that one hand is in front of the other.
- Pull yourself up to one side of the bar as shown. Alternate sides every repetition.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Alternate your grip every set. To keep your grip consistent, you can also interlock your hands.
- Commando Pull Ups Video
Cross Over the Line Push Ups
- These are push ups in which you explode off the ground laterally across a line with the upper body while your feet remain in the same position.
- Start on one side of the line and cross it with both hands for each repetition.
- Be sure to start your next set on the opposite side of the line.
- Cross Over the Line Push Ups Video
Cross Over the Box Push Ups
- Use a small box or stack of plates for this exercise.
- Start with one hand on top of the box or stack of plates and the other on the floor.
- Perform an explosive push up crossing over the box or stack of plates.
- Catch yourself with the opposite hand and repeat in the opposite direction.
- One push up counts as one repetition. Perform the indicated number of repetitions.
- Cross Over the Box Push Ups Video
Dumbbell Alternating Power Press
- Use a neutral grip (palms facing inward) when performing this exercise.
- Press both dumbbells up to start the exercise.
- While keeping one arm extended, perform a one-armed db bench press with the opposite arm as shown in the video.
- Alternate arms on the next rep.
- Continue following this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- DB Alternating Power Press Video
Dumbbell Bent Over Alternating Row
- Using dumbbells, perform bent over rows one arm at a time.
- Make sure you keep your knees slightly bent and your back locked throughout the exercise.
- Use slow and controlled movements as seen in the video clips.
- Work the full range of motion.
- DB Bent Over Alternating Row Video
- DB Bent Over Alternating Row (Side View) Video
Dumbbell Farmer’s Walk
- You want to use heavy dumbbells for this exercise.
- Squat the dumbbells up to the starting position and walk until your grip fails and you can no longer hold the weight.
- Keep you back straight throughout the exercise.
- When your grip fails, do not drop the weights to the floor. Squat them down to prevent damage to the weights and the floor.
- DB Farmer’s Walk Video
Dumbbell Floor Press
- Lie down on the floor with your feet flat on the ground as shown in the video.
- Have your partner help you position two dumbbells.
- Perform a floor press as shown, using a neutral grip (palms facing in).
- Make sure you keep your elbows in line with your wrists.
- Keep your elbows in throughout the movement. They should scrape your ribcage.
- Perform the indicated number of repetitions in this manner.
- Always use a spotter as shown.
- DB Floor Press Video
Dumbbell Hammer Curls
- Perform a curl one arm at a time as shown in the video.
- Come across your chest as you curl the dumbbell.
- Do not lean back at any time during this exercise.
- DB Hammer Curls Video
Dumbbell Incline Alternating Power Press
- Just like the flat bench version, start with both arms extended using a neutral grip.
- While keeping one arm extended, perform a one armed incline dumbbell bench press with the opposite arm.
- Switch arms every rep.
- Continue to follow this pattern for the indicated number of reps.
- Dumbbell Incline Alternating Power Press Video
Dumbbell Incline Fly
- Using an incline bench and two dumbbells, perform incline flies as shown in the video clip.
- Maintain a slight bend in your elbows at all times.
- Keep your arms wide at the top as you squeeze your pecs.
- Pretend you are wrapping your arms around a barrel on your chest.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- DB Incline Fly Video
Dumbbell Incline Power Press
- Use a neutral grip for this exercise.
- Press the dumbbells up, working both arms at the same time.
- Make sure to keep your elbows in line with your wrists for each rep.
- Complete the indicated number of reps in this manner.
- DB Incline Power Press Video
Dumbbell Power Press
- Use a flat bench and two dumbbells for this exercise.
- Perform a bench press, pressing both dumbbells up at the same time.
- Make sure you use a neutral grip (palms facing in). We do this because it takes stress off of the shoulders and is more football specific.
- DB Power Press Video
Dumbbell Push Jerk
Dumbbell Twenty Ones
- Perform 7 repetitions for each of the following exercises in order:
- Zottman Curls
- Regular DB Curls
- Hammer Curls
- For each of the exercises, both arms perform each repetition in unison.
- DB Twenty-Ones Video
Depth Push Ups
- Start in a push up position with each hand elevated on a box or stack of plates.
- The boxes or plates should be wide enough so that you can perform a push up in between them.
- Depth drop into a push up between the boxes or stacks of plates.
- Explode off of the ground and back on top of the boxes or stacks of plates.
- Extend your arms back to the starting position and repeat for indicated number of repetitions.
- Depth Push Ups Video
Horizontal Plate Shrug
- Using a 25lb or 45lb plate, hold it directly out in front of you keeping a slight bend in your elbows and your hands at shoulder level.
- While maintaining a good, upright posture, squeeze your shoulder blades together to move the plate back toward your chest. Do not bend your arms or lean backward to do this.
- Move back to the starting position by relaxing your shoulder blades.
- Repeat in this manner for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Keep the plate at shoulder level throughout the exercise and only use the squeezing and relaxing of your shoulder blades to move the weight.
- Horizontal Back/Plate Shrug Video
High L Raise
- Use only 5lb plates for this exercise. Using any more weight could cause harm to your rotator cuffs.
- Start with your elbows up in the air as shown in the video clip.
- While keeping your arms at 90 degrees and your elbows at the same level, rotate the shoulders so that your hands come up and finish in the L position as shown.
- It is very important that you keep your wrists locked throughout this exercise.
- Come down the same way you came up.
- Continue to follow this pattern for the indicated number of reps.
- High L Raise Video
Kneeling 1-Arm Cable Row
Lat Pull Down
Lateral Towel Pull-Ups
Medicine Ball Plyo Push Up
- Get in a push up position and start with one hand on a small medicine ball as shown in the video clip.
- Perform a push up, then roll the ball from one hand to the other as shown.
- Once the ball is under the opposite hand, perform another push up.
- Continue in this manner until you have completed the indicated number of reps.
- To increase the difficulty of this exercise try the advanced version as shown in the video clip.
- Medicine Ball Plyo Push Up Video
- Advanced Medicine Ball Plyo Push Up Video
Medicine Ball Seated Punch Pass
- This exercise is performed with a partner.
- Perform a chest pass.
- Instead of just catching the ball, you will open hand strike and grab the medicine ball with both hands when it is thrown to you.
- After catching the medicine ball, you will throw it back to your partner and he will catch it in the same manner.
- Repeat for indicated number of repetitions.
- Medicine Ball Seated Punch Pass Video
Neutral Grip Pull-Ups
Neutral Grip Push Ups
- Assume a normal push up position, elevating your hands off the floor slightly by holding two dumbbells (the weight does not matter).
- Your palms should be facing each other (neutral position) and your hands should be shoulder width apart.
- Perform a push up and repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Neutral Grip Push Ups Video
Partner Chin-Up
- Grip the bar with your palms facing backward as shown in the video.
- Complete the indicated number of reps.
- If you cannot complete the reps on your own, your partner will be there to assist you.
- Make sure you use a full range of motion without letting your feet touch the floor.
- Partner Chin-Up Video
Partner Plate Curls
- Hold a 45lb plate out in front of you with your hands at 9 and 3 o’clock as shown in the video clip.
- Do not exceed 45lbs for this exercise.
- Your partner will stand directly across from you.
- Curl the weight up, squeezing your biceps at the top.
- During the negative portion of the lift, your partner will push down on the plate. Fight your partner’s resistance and do not let the plate back down to the starting position easily.
- Continue in this manner for as many reps as you can. Every set done with this exercise is done to failure.
- Things to remember:
- Don’t lean back to curl the weight up. Use only your biceps to do the work.
- Try not to let the plate flatten out when you partner pushes down on it. Keep it perpendicular to the floor.
- Partner Plate Curls Video
Partner Pull-Ups
- Perform pull-ups with a wide grip as shown in the video clip.
- Make sure you use a full range of motion. Go all the way down and come up so that your chin is above the bar. Do not let your feet touch the floor.
- Perform as many reps as you can on your own. When you can no longer perform a pull-up on your own, your partner will be there to help push you up to the top so you can finish the indicated number of reps for that set.
- Control your body as you hang, try not to swing back and forth. Lifting your knees up will help prevent this.
- Parner Pull-Ups Video
Partner Resisted 4-Way Neck
- Lay on a flat bench with your head unsupported by the bench as shown in the video.
- Have a partner provide resistance by placing a towel and his hand on your head as shown. He will use his off hand to stabilize you as you perform the exercise. Perform the following exercises for the indicated repetitions for each set.
- Forward – 10 Repetitions
- Backward – 10 Repetitions
- Left Side – 10 Repetitions
- Right Side – 10 Repetitions
- Push against your partner’s resistance in the above directions. Come back to the starting position and repeat.
- Use slow and controlled movements. Work a full range of motion.
- If you have access to a neck machine, you can use it without the aid of a partner for this exercise.
- 4 Way Neck (forward) Video
- 4-Way Neck (Back) Video
- 4-Way Neck (Side) Video
Plate Front Raise
- Use a 25lb plate for this exercise.
- Grab the sides of the plate with your arms fully extended.
- Raise the weight out in front of your body and just above eye level.
- Be sure to keep your elbows extended throughout the movement.
- Lower the weight back down to the starting position in a controlled manner.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Plate Front Raise (Front View) Video
- Plate Front Raise (Side View) Video
Preacher Curl
- Use a curl bar and a preacher curl bench as shown in the video clip. A preacher curl machine will work just as well.
- Use a full range of motion. Squeeze the biceps at the top.
- Avoid letting your butt come up off of the bench while performing this exercise.
- Preacher Curl Video
Prone Alternating Dumbbell Rows
- Get in a push up position with your hands gripping two dumbbells as shown in the video clip. Widen your feet a little. The closer your feet are to each other, the more difficult the exercise becomes.
- While drawing your belly button inward and holding it there, perform a one-armed dumbbell row with one arm.Don’t let your hips sag. Try to keep your body in a straight line as shown in the video.
- Slowly bring the dumbbell back down to the starting position and perform a row in the same manner with the opposite arm.
- Continue this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Prone Alternating DB Row Video
- Prone Alternating DB Row (Side View) Video
Prone Triceps Extensions
- Using a power rack, position yourself as shown in the video clip.
- Use a grip that is a little wider than your normal bench grip.
- The closer your feet are to each other, the more difficult this exercise becomes.
- Make sure you are keeping your core tight while performing this exercise.
- Keep your elbows in and work to get full extension of the arms in order to target the triceps muscle.
- Complete the indicated number of repetitions in the manner showed on the video clip.
- Prone Triceps Extension Video
Reverse Preacher Curl
- Use a reverse grip as shown in the video clip.
- This exercise can be performed on a preacher curl bench or machine.
- Use a full range of motion.
- Don’t let your butt come up off the seat.
- Reverse Preacher Curl Video
Robot Raises
- Use only 5lb plates to perform this exercise.
- Start with the weight at your sides.
- Raise the elbows up to same position as you would use to perform High L Raise.
- Rotate the arms so that the weight is above your shoulders as shown in the video. Make sure you keep your wrists locked.
- Next perform a shoulder press.
- Bring the weight back down the same way you came up.
- Repeat this pattern for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Robot Raise Video
Seated Dumbbell Curls
- Perform dumbbell curls on a bench as shown in the video clip.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Squeeze the biceps at the top of the movement.
- Seated DB Curls Video
Seated Dumbbell Military Press
- Perform dumbbell military presses as shown in the video clip.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Keep your feet planted on the floor.
- Remember to use a spotter, especially when using heavier dumbbells with this exercise.
- Seated DB Military Press Video
Seated Row
- There are a variety of different machines you can use to complete this exercise. The video clip demonstrates an example of just one machine.
- No matter what type of machine you use, make sure you are using a full range of motion and completing the exercise with slow and controlled movements.
- Seated Row Video
Shoulder Alphabet
- Use only a 25lb plate to perform this exercise.
- Hold the plate with both hands as shown in the video clip.
- Hold the plate straight out in front of you to start. Lock the elbows out and keep your arms extended the entire exercise.
- Trace and retrace the alphabet in big, capital letters. The bigger the letters, the better the exercise. Stand upright. Avoid leaning back at any point during the exercise.
- Go through as many letters as you can. This exercise should be taken to failure every set.
- This exercise works all heads of the shoulder in a very effective manner.
- A common mistake with this exercise is to bend the elbows while tracing the letters.
- Shoulder Alphabet Video
Skull Crushers
- You will need a flat bench and a curl or straight bar to perform this triceps exercise.
- Start with your arms fully extended over your chest.
- Using only the flexion in your elbows, lower the weight down to your forehead.
- Lift the weight back up by extending your arms. Get full extension and squeeze the triceps at the top.
- Continue in this manner until you have completed the indicated number of repetitions.
- Skull Crushers Video
Speed Bench Press
- Use the same technique as a normal bench press. Refer to bench press for explanation of proper technique.
- Lower the weight in a controlled manner.
- Touch your chest and explosively push the weight back up to the starting position. Keep your feet flat on the floor and your hips down.
- When done correctly, your shoulders and upper back should lift up off the bench.
- The goal for this lift is to have each repetition last no longer than 1 second.
- Speed Bench Press Video
Spider Man Push Ups
Stability Ball Pike Push Ups
- You will need a medium to large size stability ball for this exercise.
- Start with your knees on the ball and your hands on the floor.
- Perform the indicated number of push ups with your hips over the ball as shown in the video clip.
- Keep your core tight while doing this exercise.
- Stability Ball Pike Push Ups Video
Stability Ball Push Up
- You will need a medium to small sized medicine ball for this exercise.
- Get in a push up position with your hands on the stability ball.
- The further you place your hands down the sides of the ball, the more difficult the exercise becomes.
- Keep your shoulders over the ball.
- While squeezing the ball with your hands perform a push up as shown in the video.
- Keep your core tight throughout the exercise.
- Continue in this manner until you have completed the indicated number of repetitions.
- Stability Ball Push Up Video
Standing Barbell Military Press
- Perform this exercise in a power rack.
- Get your grip on the bar and step out of the rack.
- Press the weight up using only your shoulders. There in no lower body movement in this exercise.
- Slowly lower the weight back down to the starting position and repeat.
- Continue in this manner until the indicated number of reps have been completed.
- Always use a back spotter when performing this exercise.
- Standing Barbell Military Press Video
Standing Good Mornings
- Do not perform this exercise with more than 135lbs. Start with a bar and work your way up.
- Get your squat grip and press the bar down against your traps before taking the weight out of the rack.
- Step back and get into your squat stance. It may be a little more comfortable to widen your stance a bit for this exercise.
- With a slight knee bend, perform a standing good morning as shown in the video
- Go down as far as you can go without rounding your back.
- Keep the knees slightly bent and the elbows forward.
- Notice by doing this movement you are moving your hips backward.
- Bring the bar back up to the starting position in a controlled manner as shown.
- Repeat for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Standing Goodmornings Video
Supine Row
- Raise the catch bars on a power rack and set a barbell on top as shown in the video clip.
- Make sure the bar is high enough so that when you are holding it you can get full extension without your body touching the floor.
- Get under the bar and get as wide of a grip as you possibly can.
- Perform rows as shown in the video for the indicated number of repetitions.
- Keep your spine in a fixed, straight line. The only part of your body that should be moving during this exercise is your arms.
- Position yourself under the bar so that when you pull yourself up to the bar, you hit your chest as you would during a bench press.
- Do not let the bar rest up against the rack. This is cheating. The bar will want to move around. Control the bar and prevent this from happening.
- Be sure to work a full range of motion for this exercise. Come all the way down until your arms are fully extended and try to get all the way up so that the bar touches your chest. If you cannot get your chest to the bar, get as high as you can.
- Supine Row Video
Three Way Shoulder Raise
Perform the following three exercises in succession using two dumbbells.
- Forward Raise
- Raise the weight straight out in front of you as shown in the video clip.
- Complete the indicated number of reps then move on to side raises.
- Forward Shoulder Raise Video
- Side Raise
- Raise the weight straight out to your sides with only a slight bend in your elbows.
- Complete the indicated number of reps then finish with reverse fly raises.
- Side Shoulder Raise Video
- Reverse Fly Raise
- Bend at the knees and hips.
- With the arms bent at 90 degrees, raise the weight up by squeezing the shoulder blades together.
- Turn the dumbbells as if you were pouring out a glass of water in each hand.
- Complete the indicated number of reps. Once you have finished you have completed one set.
- Reverse Fly Raise Video
Towel Pull Ups
- Wrap two towels around the bar as shown in the video.
- Twist the ends of the towels to make it easier to grab hold of them.
- Grip the towels and perform a pull up.
- Make sure you are using the full range of motion
- Do not let your feet touch the ground
- Have a partner assist you if you cannot get all of the reps on your own.
- This exercise really works your grip strength and hits the back as well.
- Towel Pull Ups Video
Towel Shrugs
Triceps Rope Pull Down
- This exercise can be done with a rope if you have one. If not, a bar or V-handle will work as well.
- In the video clip, a V-handle is used.
- Stand upright while doing this exercise.
- Press the weight all the way down, fully extending your arms.
- Bring the hands back up until your elbows reach 90 degrees.
- Press down again and repeat in this manner until you have completed the indicated number of repetitions.
- Triceps Pulldown Video
Triceps Combo
- Use a regular barbell or cambered curl bar for this exercise.
- Grip the bar with your hands 12 inches apart.
- You will perform twenty-one total repetitions for this exercise. Seven repetitions of each of these exercises in the following order:
- Skull Crusher
- Bottom Half – Perform the bottom half of a skull crusher.
- Top Half – Perform the top half of a skull crusher.Use a regular barbell or cambered curl bar for this exercise.
- Triceps Combo Video
Typewriter Pull Ups
- Perform a pull up and bring your chin to one side as shown in the video clip to the right.
- Once your chin is above the bar, slide across to the other side and back to the starting position while keeping your chin above the bar.
- Lower yourself back down and repeat. Be sure to alternate sides as shown in the video clip
- Typewriter Pull Ups Video
Upright Row
- This exercise can be done using a bar or two dumbbells
- Starting Position
- Grasp the bar or dumbbells using an overhand grip.
- Your hands should be approximately 12 inches apart.
- Rest the bar or DBs at arms length in front of the thighs.
- Your feet should be shoulder width apart.
- Keep torso fully erect.
- Point elbows outward.
- Upward Movement
- Pull bar or DBs upward along abdomen and chest toward chin.
- Keep the bar or DB’s very close to torso.
- At the top position, your elbows are higher than your wrists and above the shoulders.
- Do not swing the bar or DB’s upward. Use a controlled movement.
- Downward Movement
- Lower the bar or DB’s in a controlled manner.
- Lower the bar or DB’s to full arm extension in front of thighs.
- Upright Row (Front View) Video
- Upright Row (Side View) Video
Unstable Bent Over Rows (on Bosu Ball)
- Stand on a bosu ball with two dumbbells as shown in the video clip.
- Before you begin, tighten your core to maintain you balance on the ball.
- Slightly bend at the knees and bend over at the waist. Keep you back locked.
- Perform bent over rows with the dumbbells.
- Use slow and controlled movements. The tempo should be four count up and four count down.
- If you do not have access to a bosu ball. You can do the same exercise on one leg instead. (see below)
- Unstable Bent Over Rows on Bosu Ball Video
Unstable Bent Over Rows (on one leg)
- Stand on one leg. Tighten your core to maintain your balance. Keep it tight for the duration of the exercise.
- Slightly bend at the knees and bend over at the waist as shown. Keep the back locked
- Perform bent over rows for half of the indicated number of repetitions on one leg and then perform the other half on the other leg as shown in the video.
- Use a four count up and four count down tempo for this exercise.
- Unstable Bent Over Rows on One Leg
Unstable Side Raises (on Bosu Ball)
- Stand on top of a bosu ball while holding two dumbbells as shown in the video.
- Before starting the exercise, make sure your core is tight in order to maintain your balance.
- Perform side raises as shown in the video.
- Use a four count up, four count down tempo for this exercise. Use slow and controlled movements.
- If you do not have access to a bosu ball, you can do the same exercise on one leg. (See below)
- Unstable Side Raises on Bosu Ball Video
Unstable Side Raises (on one leg)
- Stand on one leg to start this exercise. Keep your core tight for the duration of the exercise to maintain your balance.
- Perform side raises on one leg as shown in the video.
- Use a four count up, four count down tempo for this exercise.
- Perform half of the indicated repetitions on one leg and the other half on the opposite leg as shown in the video.
- Unstable Side Raise on One Leg Video
Weighted Bench Dips
- Place two benches far enough apart so that your hands are resting one one, and your feet on another as shown in the video.
- Have your partner place the desired number of plates on your thighs before you begin.
- Once the weight is in place, perform the indicated number of repetitions in the same manner as shown on the video clip.
- Weighted Bench Dips Video
Weighted Dips with Dip Belt
- This is another way to do weighted dips. You will need a dip belt to perform this exercise. If you do not have access to one, then do weighted bench dips as an alternative to this exercise.
- Put the desired amount of weight on the belt and secure it to your waist. Do not use any additional weight if doing dips with just your bodyweight provides enough resistance.
- Perform dips as shown with the weight hanging between your legs.
- Make sure you go down far enough to make a 90 degree angle with your elbows. Do not go any lower than this.
- Fully extend your arms at the top of the lift.
- Weighted Dips with Dip Belt Video
Zottman Curls
- You will need two dumbbells for this exercise. You do not need to use a lot of weight for this exercise to be effective.
- Start with the dumbbells at your sides and your palms facing back as shown in the video.
- Perform a curl. While raising the weight, rotate your hands so that when you get to the top of the curl, your palms are still facing back.
- Squeeze the biceps at the top, then start your decent, rotating the hands so that your hands are in the original starting position. Slowly lower the weight, do not let the weight fall back to the starting position.
- Use slow and controlled movements throughout this exercise.
- Zottman Curls Video
- Zottman Curls (Side View) Video
Shoulder Circuit (10lb Plates Only)
Front Raise (10 reps)
- Perform front raises with 10lb plates as shown in the video clip.
- Use a full range of motion.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Shoulder Circuit – Front Raise Video
Side Raise (10 reps)
- Perform side raises with 10lb plates as shown in video clip.
- Maintain a slight bend in your elbows when performing this exercise.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Shoulder Circuit – Side Raise Video
45 Degree Raise (10 reps)
- With your thumbs pointed toward your thighs, raise the 10lb plates out in front of you at a 45 degree angle as shown in the video clip.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Shoulder Circuit – 45 Degree Raise Video
Straight Arm Extension (10 reps)
- Bend over at the hips. Maintain a slight knee bend and keep your back locked.
- While keeping your arms extended, raise the weight back behind you as shown in the video.
- Rotate only at the shoulder. Do not rotate at the elbow. This is not a triceps exercise.
- Shoulder Circuit – Straight Arm Extension Video
Reverse Fly (10 Reps)
- Bend over at the hips. Maintain a slight knee bend and keep your back locked.
- Perform reverse flies with 10lb plates as shown in the video.
- Use slow and controlled movements.
- Shoulder Circuit – Reverse Fly Video